Sunday, July 20, 2008

Paper Airplanes!

Ever wonder how to make a paper airplane? Not talented in the methods of origami. This makes it look simple.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Draw until your heart is content. I'm feeling artistic tonight for some reason.

Mr Picassohead

Holy crap. You can make a funky head. It alleviated my boredom for at least 15 minutes. That defiantly warrants a posting on here. ;D

Games for the brain. - Brain games. Sort've addictive. ;x

Taste Spotting

Combining my love of food with my love for photography and blogs. And bundly it all into one easy to navigate website. ;] It's love. Oh yes.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

social networking - a really awesome mini blog sort've thing. My twitter is in case your interested O_o.

I have a facebook and a myspace as well. Though since those are popular I don't feel the need to go into detail.

Linkedin is a career networking site. I've been checking out for a few days and it seems ok. Mine is

Deviantart is an art community. It has a lot of amazing artists. You can find me at

These are just the few that I use. If you have any others you think I should check out leave me a comment and let me know.

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